Pigmentation is something most people have to deal with on a daily basis. But how do we get it? And is it easy to get rid of?
There are so many different factors when it comes to pigmentation and it is in fact the hardest condition to deal with, as once it is there it will never completely go and it will always have to be carefully looked after or else it will come back very easily.
First, we need to understand, what is pigmentation?
This is where the melanocytes go into hyperdrive and keep producing too much melanin (pigment) and the keratinocytes (skin cells) cannot pick them up, so they pool at the bottom of the skin making the pigmentation spots you know and love!

There are two ways the pigmentation production gets sped up; age/sun damage and then hormonal pigmentation, usually due to pregnancy or using contraceptives.
Once this production has sped up, it is hard to slow it down and it always has to be kept at bay.
Protect yourself from the sun
Prevention is better than cure. Always wear SPF. This will help to protect your skin from many things, fast ageing, burning, skin cancer and of course the dreaded age spots. SPF doesn’t stop you from tanning. You will tan, just slowly and gradually. Going pink or lobster-looking is your skin’s warning sign that it’s not good. Remember red is bad!
Use a Vitamin C serum
Vitamin C helps with free radical damage and is an antioxidant. And what does this actually mean? Free radicals are unstable atoms that destroy cells (they are trying to stabilise themselves by pinching atoms from our skin cells, then damaging our cells in the meantime). Vitamin C helps to rebuild damaged cells. This Vitamin is lightening and brightening. So will help reduce pigmentation and brighten your skin.
Tyrosinase inhibitors stop the production of Tyrosine
Tyrosinase is the enzyme that helps the amino acid Tyrosine, which helps form Melanin. Tyrosinase inhibitors basically turn off the pigment-making tap. Ingredients that are Tyrosinase inhibitors include Kojic Acid, Licorice root and Azelaic Acid.
IPL – Intense Pulsed Light
IPL – Intense Pulsed Light treatment is best for age spots. As the light is attracted to the pigmentation, it draws the pigmentation up to the surface. This gives the skin time to heal and removes the pigmentation. Depending on the severity of the pigmentation, depends on how many treatments are needed.

On average it is around three but can sometimes need 6 treatments. This treatment is only good for ageing and sun damage pigmentation, as this pigmentation is skin deep. Hormonal pigmentation cannot be treated with this method.
Skin Needling
This treatment works with all pigmentation. This in-clinic treatment is also known as collagen induction therapy. Needling works with tiny needles going into the skin to cause mini traumas, which helps the skin start the wound healing. This wound healing helps the skin rebuild to the way it was supposed to be. Which helps to get rid of unwanted pigmentation. Up to 6 treatments are needed to help complete the skin rejuvenation.
These are my top tips for removing and reducing pigmentation
The main idea to take from this is no matter what you do, whether you are using products or treatments, you must always wear SPF.
Once you are in the process of treating the pigmentation, it usually goes darker before disappearing. This means that the pigmentation is travelling up and out of the skin. Which is a good sign!
Though one thing you must remember sun will always affect pigmentation. Even if you have successfully treated the pigmentation, you must always wear sunscreen to prevent any from coming back and as always, if you have a budget, always choose home care over treatments. Using products daily is much better for your skin than a treatment once a month.
Would you like some help with your pigmentation?
Book an Advanced Skin Analysis Consultation here to discuss your specific requirements.