Kay’s Blogging Korner

Kay’s ideas thoughts and opinions

Welcome to our specialised blog, your go-to resource for everything related to hair removal, skin blemishes, and holistic skincare. We delve deep into the world of smooth, clear skin with comprehensive guides on the latest hair removal techniques, from traditional waxing to cutting-edge laser technologies. Kay provides insights into effective treatments for skin blemishes, including acne scars, dark spots, and uneven skin tone, ensuring you have the knowledge to tackle these concerns head-on. Beyond treatments, we offer advice on daily skincare routines that promote healthy, radiant skin. Whether you’re looking for professional recommendations, DIY remedies, or product reviews, our blog is dedicated to helping you achieve the flawless skin you’ve always desired. Join our community and embark on a journey to confidence through clarity and smoothness.

Recent Blogs

Easy Steps to Avoid Ingrowing Hairs

Easy Steps to Avoid Ingrowing Hairs

Ingrowing hairs usually isn’t too much of a big problem when it occurs. They can appear as just a small pimple that can be barely noticeable. However, if you are a picker then these little problems. And can become deep scars from trying to ‘dig’ them out of your skin....

5 Reasons Why You Do Need That Consultation

5 Reasons Why You Do Need That Consultation

When looking into the various options before beginning your new treatment, it can be easy to think that the consultation is just an extra step in the process that you don’t need. This is a common misconception that can potentially have a negative impact on your skin rather than an improvement. A consultation is a very important part of any treatment, and here are some reasons why!

What is Dermaplaning?

What is Dermaplaning?

A new treatment this summer is Dermaplaning, many people have questioned me, what is Dermaplaning? Is it good for your skin? What will it look like after? Dermaplaning is also known as blading, skin resurfacing or skin leveling. Dermaplaning removes the outer most...

What is a Good Cleansing Routine?

What is a Good Cleansing Routine?

"I don’t think I have a good cleansing routine!" I often hear this statement. Or, "I’m not very good with my cleansing routine." But what is a good cleansing routine? A good cleansing routine for one person is not necessarily good for another. A good cleansing routine...

How to Remove a Skin Tag

How to Remove a Skin Tag

Skin tags can make you feel self conscious and slightly uncomfortable in your own skin. I have had a few and all I have wanted to do is pull them off! Annoying little things. But what are these things and why do we have them and most importantly, how do we remove...